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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Buy! Buy! Buy!

Would you like to buy my house ? (click to see)
An excellent summer residence for all you shivering Euros.


Boris Hiestand said...

Dang you've got a great place man- love the kitchen- I also love your listing agent. Don't want to make you feel any more insecure about your choices, but again- why the hell are you leaving?

Matt Jones said...

The top ginger girl posted last week was the best. Refreshing to see a bit of colour in your work. The hair had a nice shape too.

the doodlers said...

Wow, Elliot! Did you do all that work yourself? BEAUTIFUL place. Good luck selling it. You should have no trouble.

Those toothy birds look like they are going to eat that little frog man. Or are they his protectors...

Elliot Cowan said...

Boris - I've already answered this in the last posted and I'll be damned if I'm repeating myself for the likes of you!

Matt - Cheers, pal. A bit of colour never hurt anyone - even me!

And Doodlers - I did a lot of the work but none of the hard bits. I designed it myself.
As for those birds, I don't think they're friendly.

Boris Hiestand said...

those choices you make in life that change everything are pretty damn scary- I know all about it, but they are also exciting-and I'm sure you'll find gratification soon my hairy friend.

Elliot Cowan said...

Cheers Boris - you're not a bad bloke despite your nationality.

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