Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Patty Cake Patty Cake

These two girls both work for two different bakeries on Junction Road.
They are both abut the same age (18 - 20 or so).
They are from different cultural backgrounds.
They have quite different styles of customer service.
Guess which one I prefer to buy bread from.


  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    the one w the bun on her head

  2. Beauty and the beast... fun drawing dude:)

  3. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Hot bun girl.

  4. The doughy pasty one is YOURS. They must be sisters!

  5. Yesterday I bought the Standard from a woman to whom I said Hello! She replied tersely: FIFTY P.!(and not a shadow of a smile). Good to have a choice of shop assistant though.

  6. I never buy bread...I steal sugar from coffee shops. I borrow money from my friends and never repay. I drink leftovers of beer glasses in the pubs. I cross the roads when the light are red and I AM VERY HAPPY ALL THE TIME

  7. Ten years ago in Russia was only like right one.But time is change!:O)
