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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Big Monkey

Blogger is fixed.
I did make a silly mistake on this but it's unlikely anyone but me will notice it.


Jonathan said...

Nice work, good to see you keeping up the colour!

Oscar Grillo said...

A really great picture, Elliotele!

Anonymous said...

okay, i studied it- i'm a big fan of the "find the differences between these two pictures" game... i give up. what's the mistake? your public needs to know! or rather, i do.

Elliot Cowan said...

Jonathon - thanks pal

Oscawitz - thanks pal

HR - I was painting on the wrong layers and made a muddle of my quality of line. The image has been reduced here but you cant really see...

justinpatrickparpan said...

Fine work as always, Elliot. Just curios, what program, if it is indeed a program, are you doing your color in? Also, is the line work being done in computer, or outside? Not trying to snatch away your secrets or anything, just interested, thats all.

Elliot Cowan said...

BabaParpa - I use Painter pretty much all the time for these things.
I use only a few tools though the scratchboard tool and the watercolour tool.
Essentially they reproduce what I would use in an "analogue" format, with the added bonus of making me completely lazy because I can press CTL-Z.
You can find my actual pen and ink drawings at
Most guys seem to be using Photoshop but I seriously can't make it do what I want it to.

R.Dress said...

Brush pen? Love it.

Elliot Cowan said...

I use Painter pretty much all the time for these things.
I use only a few tools though the scratchboard tool and the watercolour tool.
Essentially they reproduce what I would use in an "analogue" format, with the added bonus of making me completely lazy because I can press CTL-Z.
You can find my actual pen and ink drawings at
Most guys seem to be using Photoshop but I seriously can't make it do what I want it to.

Anonymous said...

Easily one of my favourites so far. Love ya work Elliot.

Oh, and do you use photoshop?

Yeah, don't answer that.

Elliot Cowan said...

Nice - cheers Rich.

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