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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Dangerous Australians - The Koala

The koala is not very dangerous unless you let them climb up you, or bite you.
The interesting fact about the koala is that they have two thumbs.
Another lesser known fact about the koala is that they are the only animal eligible for half price ticket at the cinema. Posted by Picasa


Kristen McCabe said...

Awww, I love Koala's. I've always wanted to hold one. I'm jealous of you Australians, you get to see Koala's and Kangaroos roaming freely ....

(and you have the coolest accents)

yup, I'm Jealous.

Uli Meyer said...

Hey elliot,
you've been a busy blogger. Fabulously funny stuff. i laughed a lot.

Elliot Cowan said...

Cheers team - thanks so much for visiting, your feedback is particularly worthwhile to me.

Mike - I think you'll find that ALL primates can be dangerous.
The koala is not a primate, it's a marsupial, which means it has a pouch that it raises its babies in.

Anonymous said...

I like the bear one a ways back. I live in the U.S. Try and send one of those cassawaries after that idiot in charge over here...

Anonymous said...


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