Sunday, September 26, 2010

The New Parents


  1. Congratulations youse 3! Welcome to the world Hugo!

  2. AWWW...
    very sweet comic mate...I hope things are all happy tears for years to come...


  3. Hahaha...looks like parenthood will open a whole new avenue for your creativity :)

    Wishing Mom & Dad a good night's sleep!!!

  4. What's with the frown? Gotta case of the baby blues? Great strip!

  5. No, no, just tired : )

  6. A big congratz!!I hope you get some sleep at one point ;)

  7. That really sums up the first few weeks for me. Some people love that early stage but, man, I found it rough going. I might consider going for a third if it weren't from that.

    You know the way many games have a tutorial level and, once you've done it once, you can skip it on your next play? They should do that for babies.

    It gets easier and then they learn to talk and things get hilarious.

    Congrats Mr.C. Your child will become an inspiration to your already excellent artwork.

  8. Jason - What an incredibly nice comment from a complete stranger.
    Thank you so much.
    We're plugging along reasonably well, I think.
    I can't even begin to contemplate a second right now and have no idea how one has the patience for a third!
