Monday, August 10, 2009

New York Television Festival

I am happy to crow that my Boxhead and Roundhead cartoons are in competition at the New York Television Festival in the Independent Producers Competition. You can see the little trailer I made here, if you care to:


  1. Congrats Elliot!:o)
    How are you these days my friend?

  2. Congrats Elliot, and an awesome blog man. Looking forward to the film man, good luck finishing!
    -Joe Caps

  3. Andrei!
    How nice to hear from you.
    I've been both very well and VERY busy.
    What's news with you?
    I think you may have another kid since we last saw each other.
    How is your lovely wife?

    Joey Caps - mate! How're you doing?
    You done with fish yet?
    Stay in touch.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
