Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Warwick Johnson Cadwell is not a former US president, but with a name like that he should be.
Instead, he's a terrific illustrator with an exceptional talent for well written outlandish stories.
Visit his blog and read them - they start at the bottom of the page and go up.

In unrelated matters, here is a picture of me with a cork up my nose.


  1. your entries are getting fowler by the day: I love it.

  2. I found other places to put the cork.
    I'll post them at a later date.

  3. Very effective as a measure to prevent nasal sex that I don't need to remind you is unlawful in many states.

  4. Just keep corked up, much safer.

  5. ---YES... I MADE IT INTO THIS PIC... HaHa, CYA'

  6. Cheer!
    Thanks for the kind words and more importantly for the 'cork in nose' view. I shouldn't try it with a screwtop though.
    Great to see the posts are coming thick and fast, it's a treat.

  7. Didn't know which "bag" to choose so I just picked them all :) nice blogs you have, your sketches are fun.
    Cheers from Italia!


  8. Albert - it's a pleasure to have you a part of the blog.

    WJC - I'm delighted. I've been working hard on a job for a few months now and haven't had the time or inclination to draw beyond that.

    Ale - Glad you enjoy them. Maybe you know the blogs of my Italian friends Simona Cilaro and Alessia whose other name I don't recall.
