Friday, October 19, 2007

At Sea....again


  1. So Elliot are you working o a new Boxhead and Roundhead film?

  2. Excellent! The enlarged version actually makes me feel sea-sick due to the rolling 'horizon'.
    I saw Gericault's 'RAFT OF THE MEDUSA' at the Louvre & noticed for the first time a tiny,distant ship on the horizon that the top most figure is of course signalling to-I'd never twigged this before looking @ reproductions. The canvas is IMMENSE yet the faint ship mustn't be larger than a bus ticket! It's really the true focal point of the composition but remains near invisible.

  3. JP - I do have a film I want to make but I want to get some drawings done first.

    Matt - thanks mate.
    I have never seen the painting is real life so it's lovely to hear a tale about it.

    This is a bit of a cheat actually.
    It's merely the trees from the image below tinted blue in Photoshop and flipped 90 degrees.
    I added some clouds in Painter...

  4. Genius! I figured it was REAL paint!

  5. It almost entirely is - it's touched up only a little bit and I changed the hue.

  6. nice!! a very diferent style among the others works, "in the woods" got a wonderful silence in it. do you have done kid´s ilustrations?

  7. You're right, Elliot. It has been ages. Things are all good. I was kind of lost in the sea of no comments for a while. Starting to get back to normal again though. Hope all is good with you.

  8. This has a really nice mood to it. I like the sparse composition.

  9. Andres - I'm not respectable enough for children's illustrations.

    Don - Nice to see you again mate.

    John - Thanks. What mood do you think it has?

  10. If you're not respectable enough to be a children's illustrator then that's all the more reason you should be one!!

  11. Brian - I'm glad you agree!
