Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Piss Process


  1. THat's what I called deep yellow!! love the layout.

  2. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Is it election time already?

  3. Ooh, looks like that first one of the day...After a night out in Camden, furry tounge and head ache from hell...

    Great to have you back Elliot, checked out the Bagel Bag and really enjoyed the cat power performance, you should check out this rockabilly guy called Jack Penate (sp?) he's pretty cool. Hopefully i'll be up in London soon... Cheers.

  4. THat's what I called deep orange!! love the layout. Very inspiring

  5. THat's what I called deep white!! love the background. I find it so inspiring that I soiled myself.

  6. Thank you everyone, especially Oscar for your in depth discussion on the colour of widdle.
    The layout is unique, in that is has the character almost in the middle of the page (but not quite) and a lump of colour that dribbles to the bottom.
    It's original and copyrighted.

  7. to Uncle tom. how dare you calls me a kra**t. i'm finds you offensive. i do understanding english. In mother Ukraine you'd be hanged my friend.

  8. I see your nation continues to maintain an air of tolerance.

  9. Indeed we do, my friend. we only hangs those who oppose Ukraine. we havs the best human rights in easten europe
