Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Another Dumb Pun


  1. hi, nice illustrative style. There is actually a cartoon movie in spanish with a similar twist.

  2. if i laugh, does that make me dumber?

  3. Thank you comedy experts!

    Pandave - yes.

  4. Nice, there’s a ton of shiny new work here, and it’s all a riot! You need a gig as a political cartoonist, Elliot—you’d be swell at that.

  5. well then, i am not cracking a smile.

    that was a dumbass pun!

  6. Justin - It was always a dream of mine to be a political cartoonist, but unfortunately my interest in politics is minor, and I think if it's something you're going to do for a living, it's something you should be passionate about.
    I do consider myself a humanist however, and it is not hard to rail against our current world leaders at the moment, and I am more than happy to do so.

    Pandave - was that one of your own?

  7. elliot, i think i may have stolen it from you. it popped into my mind like an original but now that you are asking me...
