Friday, July 14, 2006

A Gathering

Last night I was lucky enough to meet a handful of good folks that I had either heard of, corresponded with, angered from a distance or otherwise knew of but had never met.
A big thank you to a delightfully friendly crowd, in particular Boris who invited me and inflicted me upon good people who deserved better.
The drawing above doesn't really reflect the evening - as far as I could tell nobody touched anyone elses pink floppy bits (although I did consider it several times and made a single attempt that went unnoticed).


  1. Is your drawing a representation of the encounter?...Who touched who in the "nether" parts then?

  2. The drawing above doesn't really reflect the evening - as far as I could tell nobody touched anyone elses pink floppy bits (although I did consider it several times and made a single attempt that went unnoticed).
    I'll see you this arvo mate.

  3. You are totally insane...

    thank god (who, of course doesn't exist)

    Last night was a hoot and needs to be repeated on a regular basis, It's good to have you with us...

    (Nether parts are still a bit sore though,,,)

  4. I take that back, I think you must be a genius of some sort, I met one of you lot before somewhere...
    Hmmm, who was it...

  5. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I've got my eye on you young Sputnik.

  6. I truely felt bad for not being able to attend longer: that show was the worst! brrrr.
    it's camden tonight.

  7. Michael, God and Boris.
    A delightful night - I would be delighted to be included in any festivities.

  8. Anonymous10:56 PM

    My customary festivities will be held at your nearest parish church this coming Sunday. Matins at 8, Choral Evensong at 6.
