Thursday, March 30, 2006


This is the J Boag and Son Brewery, which, at the moment at least, makes my favourite beer: Boags Premium.
Boags Premium is kept for up to 60 days in the maturation tanks to achieve that full Premium taste.
I know this because I spent several week one year directing a documentary about the place (that was actually a really nice job that was completely fucked in the arse by a dreadful VO that one of the executives at the brewery insisted upon..anyway).
What you can see from the street are called the mash-tunns.
In 1999 Boags almost had to stop making beer when some clever fellow refilled the tunns with more hops before emptying the last lot, which is kind of like using twice as much self raising flour in a small cake tin.
I don't really think I've captured it in these pictures, but this room in which the mash tunns are kept has a real 1930s sci-fi feel to it.
Lots of silver pipes and glowing lights.


This is what how one looks when one is entertaining a 3 year old.
The top image is a preview of Disney's new design for Mickey Mouse.

Celebrity Chef and good friend of mine, Charmaine Candi-Brown has suggested a similarity between these images and the likeness of popular Australian comedy character, Aunty Jack (1970s).

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Real Life Paid Work

There really isn't much of a hint of it through the blog, but I do actually get paid to draw occasionally.
There is an Australian version of James Herriot (kind of) called Dr Harry Cooper.
I illustrated his series of books and these pictures are from the 3rd book, where I had an editor who pretty much let me draw what I pleased - the other books are way too cute and repulsive.
There was one really good drawing about his time in Russia where I had him floating in a bottle of vodka that was rejected though.
These are pretty shitty scans because I can't find the original artwork disks....

Monday, March 27, 2006


I have been working on all this little illustrations as stepping stones to a bigger project.
Last night I finally wrote some words down to go with the shenanigans.

Anyone for Cake?

Here's a thing.
Does anyone know of the guitar player Marc Ribot?
If so - does anyone know how to pronounce his name?
Is it RI-BOW as in bow and arrow, or is it RIBOT like the noise a frog makes?

Sunday, March 26, 2006


It may seem like I'm having a productive weekend, but in fact these images are all very small (half A4).
Here are some things of note.
1) I use pen and ink for a couple of reasons. It's a challenging medium for a starter. And I also have huge admiration for artists that can create all that light and shade with only black and white cross hatching. As far as my own work is concerned, I've only just begun to really understand how to do this and have really only been really happy with a few images I've created.
2) I took it as bit of a blow when I started adding a wash to my images a few months back (seemed to be giving up on a totally black and white world). I was very pleased with the results however and had forgotten about it until this afternoon.
3) The scanner here at work is hopeless. These images are done entirely in black ink and water, so essentially they are grey scale. The scanner creates a vague purple hue which is not accurate.
4) I am currently working on some kind of story for these characters. Peril and mayhem scenarios I imagine.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Peril and Love

This isn't a great snap of this picture (note the lurking hulk reflected in the glass).
It's probably the cutest thing you'll ever see from me.
I did it for a friend who contracted pregnancy.
I am most proud of the fact that the image saw her through a very difficult time.
She's had it framed recently (the picture not the baby, who is a delight).

More peril for Roundhead and Boxhead.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Love For Sale

This is how I was treated at my last job.
For 8 years.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

You Think You May Have Seen These Before...

Also - if one takes a gander at the online journal of David Byrne (one of my favourite musicians), you will find he has been in Australia for a few days and offers some thoughts.
If you dig through his archives you will discover a highly intelligent and sensible American (who was born in Scotland).

And indeed you have!
But I've had them photographed properly now, so the resolution is better and you can actually see what everything is.
I thought it was worth reposting them.
Third image is merely a detail of the second.


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I have had terrible trouble drawing in the last few days but it all seems to have settled itself now.


Where will this all lead???

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

More For Matt

The overpaid and exceptionally good looking Matt Jones remarked that it was nice to see me using some colour.
Here is some more.

Buy! Buy! Buy!

Would you like to buy my house ? (click to see)
An excellent summer residence for all you shivering Euros.


The house goes on the market on Wednesday.
This is a pictographical representation of how I am feeling about the future.

Also my work is far more interested in red tape than servicing client or doing work.
You've all seen Brazil, by Terry Gilliam?
Very similar.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Blogger Seems To Have Recovered

This is usually where I draw.
See that funky, retro style table?
I used it to teethe on when I were a bubby.

Also - although you can't really see it, that image on the wall is the first time I did a "scribble" picture.
At the time I felt compelled to leave a character in there (I'm a cartoonist after all) and it was some time before I took a leap and did one without.

FYI - 500 thousand people on this apple isle.

Shiny House For Sale - Get it While It's Hot!

Rancho Cowan for sale. I'll post the real estate link when there is one (tomorrow sometime I imagine).
For some reason it wont let me post any images today and I've had to go back to using Hello, which is not ideal.
I am feeling the nerves....
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