Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Sparrow Head - Updated

It really is a new thing for me to be drawing so small.
I would like to get these through a photocopier and blow them up huge - I think they'd be great.

Here's a thing.
I have a client base of about 10 or so regulars and a bunch of hangers on that I do something for maybe once or twice a year.
The once or twice a year guys are usually the difficult ones.
Here's an email I draughted to morning.
It took all my willpower (and common sense) to not send it.
Southern Cross btw, is our opposition:

John – sorry I’ve taken so long to get back to you.
To be honest I really couldn’t care less about you or your business.
Your success is of no interest to me whatso………………….sorry – I fell asleep just thinking about you.
You see what I mean?
Based on my levels of interest, I suggest you don’t bother advertising, and if you insist on doing so, please contact Southern Cross and speak to someone there.
Yours, with 100% disinterest,

Elliot Cowan


  1. That happens to all my plants too.


    ahh! This is wonderful!!
    I'm loving these scratchier silhouetted pieces!!

  2. It's cyclical - I was doing this kind of thing way back in uni but with pencils (lecturers hated them!).
    I'm already giving you topple town, there's no need to kiss arse anymore : )

  3. hah.

    Sorry, no ass kissing 'round here.
    I just happen to like what you are doing.. :P

  4. Siguen siendo interesantes tus trabajos.
    Muy buenos estos dibujos de líneas infinitas sobre el fondo vacío.


    Marco Antonio Sepúlveda

  5. wow, tasmania...i think i've surfed enough far , for today...and congrats for the drawings!

  6. Thanks to everyone - even those who don't speak Australian!

  7. beautiful design and illustrations!! So simple, yet so rich!!
