Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hooray for Dust!

With the exception of a blissful break chatting to a friend, I have spent the day sanding architraves.
I could go into the intimate details of timber dust blowing into each crevice on my body.
I could describe the colour of my snot.
The heat...
The fact that I can't wear my spectacles...
Or you could just take a look at the picture and work it out from there.
There's only a little bit left to do and I shall leave it for tomorrow.
Then when that's done I can move back into my home!
One step closer to my international trip.


  1. aww.. your poor, sandy, crevices..

  2. Little Rock - Never you mind about my crevices....

    Claude - always a pleasure to receive a compliment from such a fine illustrator as yourself.

  3. Even in your drawing, you are endorsing safety etiquette by wearing the goggles. Good on ya!

    Good luck with the move back into the house!
