Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Pen and paper

I mentioned yesterday I was going to tackle some real pen and in versions of these things.
This is my first test.
It's small - half an A4.
You can't see the texture I created that well, but I'll work on that for the bigger ones.
Shapes aren't quite right, but on the whole I got what I was after.


  1. Thanks man.
    It'll take some time to get it right, but it's a good first effort.

  2. It feels so raw and that in itself helps enhance the atmosphere. Looking forward to more!

  3. That is fine feedback.
    I had not thought about any kind of raw quality but I reckon I agree with you 100%.
    Thanks Pleasuresmook.

  4. Hey I just listened to your VO demo.....mighty fine work there too....So, uh, where's your canadian accent, eh?

  5. Ha - thanks man.
    I can do a stupid bog standard "aboot" Canadian thing, but it's nothing I'm proud of or pleased with.
    And certainly nothing I'd do professionally.
    I'll work it into my repertoire eventually.
