Thursday, November 17, 2005

A New Series

Brother Gruel

Brother Gruel was so sick of waitin'.
All the praying and silence and trainin'.
He thought, "Oh well,
Let's all go to hell"
And instead started worshipping Satan.

Brother Candle

Young Brother Candle, of the light, was afraid.
He hated outside (unless there was shade).
He sat in his room,
In the dark and the gloom,
And thought "What mistakes I have made"...

Brother Wallet

Brother Wallet, despite his devotion,
Was fond of some hand on knob motion.
The rest didn’t know,
And he never did show,
Why he used so much skin care cream lotion.


  1. My goodness, that's hilarious!
    You're a wonderful poet :)

  2. fun character design

  3. Everyone - Thanks!
    Especially Little Rock who I know for a fact Rocks Big.

  4. Elliot, you and Michael Schlingmann are my favorite poets as of now. Hilarious stuff, this'll make me smile for the rest of the day. Thanks!

  5. got to love brother wallet

  6. Uli! - it's a pleasure. I'll be rewriting the entirety of Shakespeares works in a similar style.

    Boris - love Brother Wallet, for he has a lot of love to give.

  7. I just picked up Shakespeare's Ten Great Plays at the royal winter fair for the provensen's illustrations. At least now I can compare you wonderous and lyrical writings to those that he wrote.

    By the way, I am sure that guy was kidding around when he made that nude sketching comment. I hope he was at least.

    And lastly, we had our first flurry of snow today. It lasted all of 30 minutes with no accumulation. Just in case you fancied that information.


  8. man i'm just a sucker for a cartoon monk i am.
