Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Tom Hanks is a liar

Tom Hanks is notoriously hard to caricature.
He often loses a lot of weight for his roles, and seems like such an easygoing fellow in public that it's hard to pin down a meaningful likeness.
This is a quick rough one that captured his blobby face and floppy lips well enough for me just now.
In the awful film Forrest Gump, he says, "Life's like a box of chocolate, you never know what your going to get".
Well that's a bunch of crap.
Almost all chocolate boxes have that little map they put in the box so you know exactly what you're getting.
So that's just a bunch of shit.
Fucking stupid Forrest Gump - go to hell. Posted by Picasa


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hey, you caught him PERFECTLY in that drawing. I've always been flummoxed how such an ugly man can be the biggest movie star in the world?!
    However, i really dig FORREST GUMP- it's hilarious! From his first sexual 'encounter' with Jenny, to Captain Dan asking if Forrest & Bubba are BROTHERS! Seeing Forrest run through VietCong infested jungle through burning napalm is as exhilarating as Dash's Chase in the INCREDIBLES.
    As Forrest's Mum might say ' the world is split into 2 factions - those who dig Forrest Gump & those who hate him/it'!!!
    Zemeckis' finest film after DEATH BECOMES HER.

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  4. I'll let you guys argue this one out!!!!

  5. HAHAHAHAHAHA!.................................................................................................

  6. Anonymous2:19 PM

    ah! the man comes thru.

    good for not being a fan of cheap, mapless chocs, I say!

    why do I see "vibrator"?

  7. Anonymous.
    This is the strangest response I've had on my blog yet.
    I'd love to respond but I have no idea what you're talking about!

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