Friday, October 28, 2005

Here Be Dragons!...Or was it here?...oh


  1. oh WOW!
    I love dragons.
    And I like how you've done the colours down its' back.

  2. I used real dragon skin as reference.

  3. We've all been there in some form or another.

  4. Hey Elliot, cool, you blurred out the near camera shapes. Looks like yer man's a bit screwed. By the way, the rare birds of Tasmania are hilarious. What an odd bunch of local animals you have.

  5. ooooooo.... very tasty!

  6. Great composition, Elliot! I also love the little smudgerigar birdie. Back to Painter?

  7. Great, great illustration, Mr. Cowan! Like Uli, I too love the smudgerigar bird too! Lively linework! Is there any other kind?

  8. Ooooh!! Beautiful!! Love the illustration ... great color!

  9. Elliot, wonderful as always! I also really like your titles, they are always very clever and witty.

  10. Everyone - thanks so much for taking the time to post.
    I does mean a lot to me.

    Don - Always pleased to have you visit, I'll head over to the Daily shortly - love those flapper doodles you been posting.

    Cendrine - you sexy beast - how lovely to see you! XXXXXX

    Uli - yeah Painter. Drew it and painted it in Painter, but frigged about with it in Photoshop - all the blurring and whatnot.

    Smook - I'm very proud of the smuderigar. It's a cute drawing and a clever gag (if I do say so myself).

    Alina - how nice to see you here. I sometime struggle to do something different with my colour choices so thanks for saying so.

    Giles - You are giving me way more praise than I even remotely deserve, but thank you anyway.

    Cheers y'all.

  11. Wow! very nice Eliott! I really loved your dinosaurs too!

  12. And Stef - they loved you too.

  13. Once again, strong composition - perfect. Just read about the ball-shaving party below - hilarious!

  14. Cheers Matt.
    Ball shaving story was more amusing to relate than it was to experience....

  15. like your work Elliot.Reminds me a little of Gerald Scarfe.Take that as a compliment please. Not afraid of the pen;long bold strokes,fluid.Really appealing.

  16. Les - Gerald Scarfe is probably my biggest art hero.
    Most folks assume I've been looking at Ralph Steadman (which of course I have) but it's Scarfe who's closest to my heart.
    Thanks for dropping past.
