Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A Brilliant Idea

I went to a client function last night.
A sporting thing.
I dont' care for sport very much.
There were 4 Australian celebrities there.
3 sporting types and a "comedian" called Russel Gilbert, who is a twat in both television programs and real life.
The only one I knew of was Australian marathon runner Steve Monaghetti, who was a great bloke.
Russel and some AFL footy guy spent quite some time discussing how they both shave their balls.
This seemed like quite an intimate conversation for two blokey men.
I was thrilled to be a part of it.
I feel like shit, but not as much as Vanessa, my offsider here, who has been vomiting regularly for about 2 hours now.


  1. Colleague, friend, cohort, chum etc.

  2. It was a very surreal moment Mik.

  3. Hope you and your offsider have both recovered by now. Why on earth do these guys shave their balls. Sounds like a load of bollocks to me.
    Love the devil sketch.

  4. We're both doing fine thanks mate.
    You're up late tonight.
    How very enthusiastic of you.
    I can tell you more than I would like about the two nut-shavers, but I think you'd prefer me to keep it to myself.
