Wednesday, September 14, 2005


More from the archives.
10 - 12 years ago?...
Many, MANY moons ago when I was in uni, I was playing with this character you see above - Onionhead.
He lived in a big old factory on a hill (the rough sketches of which are still among the favorite things I've ever done).
I made a couple of photocopied books, enjoyed playing with a character.
It was simple but still enjoyable.
As part of my studies I created a range of other Onionhead products. Posted by Picasa


  1. Love your new postings!! Keep more coming!

  2. Thanks guys.
    I post something every day so there's always something new.
    I'd encourange everyone to visit my archives too.

    Claude - I have a friend who likes the same thing about my work, but I have to admit it was never a goal, just a coincidence.
    Cheers pal!
