Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Mr Dodds

The endlessly talented John Navarez has some pirate sketches on his blog.
I love pirates and this has inspired me to draw some of my own.Posted by Picasa


  1. Great Elliott! I love lucy the scrub too! Do you all your drawings digitally Elliott?

  2. Almost everything on here was done in Painter, mate.
    It best mimics the pen and ink the rest of my traditional work is done in.
    I have mixed views on the subject of digital illustration though.

  3. Thanks NF.
    That drawing is unlike anything I've ever done before.

  4. Friggin' beautiful!!! Love 'em all!! Where's your book?

  5. Hey Elliot, great pirates, the lot of 'em. Love pirates too.

  6. John - book will be coming out sometime in the next year.
    It'll be called "Elliot - An Anonymous Artist on an Island on the Other Side of the World".

    Uli - Thanks mate, always encouraging to hear good things from good folks.
