Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Back From The Dead

This picture was prompted by the image of myself in the top right hand corner of my blog.
Peering over my glasses has distorted one of my eyes, making me look a little ghoulish.
This is what I may look like if I were to rise from the grave and walk the Earth again. Posted by Picasa


  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Your eyes are beautiful

  2. Ha!
    Well thank you stranger!
    I wish the rest of me matched.

  3. Elliot,
    I haven't checked the site in a few days so it was really fun to pop by this morning and see your new postings. Love Gandolf and Owen and the portrait of you dead is just fabulous. (something odd about that last comment... oh well)

  4. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Thw rest of you does match

  5. Carolyn - thanks! I have a feeling I look much better as a corpse than I do alive and well.
    Something Anonymous here seems not to agree with!

  6. Ha!
    Thanks pal.
    I personally think I always look better in caricature than in real life.
    I've been visiting your blog and have read your achives.
    It's fascinating and hilarious and horrifying all at the same time.
    Don't change any of it!
