Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Monty Python's Flying Jesus

The picture on the left is Bella Lugosi.
It's a picture that's been doing the internet rounds recently - he's playing Jesus Christ in a play during the early part of last century.
It struck me how much he resembled Terry Jones of Monty Python fame.
I had trouble locating a much better picture than this, but I think the similarity is there.
So...we have Bella Lugosi playing Jesus Christ looking just like Terry Jones who once played mother to someone who was a bit like Jesus (Mandy in the Life of Brian). Posted by Picasa


  1. isn't mr lugosi sort of...dead?

  2. Yes, Leeloreya. Bella Lugosi is dead.
    The picture was taken a long time ago.

  3. and as far as I know, Mr Lugosi was a man, so it's Béla, Bella is more like the name you would give to a female horse.

  4. You are entirely correct.
