Sunday, June 26, 2005

Baby, baby, baby

I'll add some thoughts to this image later today.Posted by Hello


  1. I'm amazed at how talented you are! I'm in love with your work.

  2. Thank you!
    You are welcome back anytime.

  3. It's all about the pivot point NF. I'm still managing it with a 2 and a half year old (not my own).

  4. Don't be too amazed.
    I spend approximately 1 minute into each one and spend almost no time thinking about them beforehand.
    They are fancy phone doodles.

  5. that's the good thing, spontaneity no?

    I find rather intriguing the perfect roudness of the figures, i can imagine your arm just doing the faintest of movements, not concentrating on the drawing too much, and there, the perfect curve.

  6. Leeloreya - I can assure you it is a great deal less aethestic than that.
    If it's of any interest to you, I actually use fairly broad swooping movements when I draw, as I tend to draw from my shoulder rather than my wrist.
    And I actually pay very little attention to the image as I draw it, as I find concentrating on what I'm doing is a really good way to create something I don't like.
    But if it helps to perpetuate the myth, I do all my drawings in a garrett by candlelight while sipping red wine.

  7. Sar - if you are asking if I would do a caricature of you I'm sure I could manage that.
    I would require you to use the word "wikkid" in it's correctly spelt form however.
    I think that's what you are asking, correct?

  8. Because it's spelt "wicked".

  9. lol

    how about "your sketches are so kewl and kute"?

  10. lol !!
    that does sound shrill.

    i think he might be running in circles around the room like a posessed person by now.

  11. madly scribbling and doodling on his notepad, oh look, it's us as miss potato heads...
