Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Stupid Blog

I spent a good amount of time chatting about the Australian big Brother, which I unashamedly love.
I talked mostly about pretty girls taking their kit off, in particular a girl called Kate.
Then the whole thing fell over and I cannot be fucked re-typing the whole lot.
So this is all you get today. Posted by Hello


  1. Have you invented a word?!
    I like this very much!

  2. That happened to me today. It kept saying "an error occurred" I almost lost my post. damn blogger!

    Big Brother never did that well in the US, maybe because they chose the lamest people to be on it. (although I think one season they had a guy who pulled a knife on another roommate, made good tv)

    what's a "kit"?

  3. Yes, I was aware of that.
    It's been huge here, series 5 is the latest.
    Every year they do a wrap up of the various international Big Brothers and it seems that the cultural niceities of each nation are distilled.
    The US version seemed pretty tame.
    "Kit" is clothes - you take your kit off before you have a shower for example.

  4. Anonymous8:43 AM

