Saturday, December 01, 2012

Early Jolly Feedback

From the blog of Michael Sporn:

In the past week I saw a half-hour of Elliot Cowan’s fine film, the Boxhead and Roundhead feature. This is the feature length version of the short films he’s been doing for years. Graphically, those black and white shorts were brimming with exciting animation in vibrant black and white. The feature, of course, expands on what was done in the shorts and is graphically one of the most exciting animated films I’ve seen in ages. Elliot has about a hlaf hour done, and the film is well on its way. I can only speak high of it, but I’m reluctant to say much of anything for fear of giving away something I don’t have the right to say. If you’ve heard any chat about this movie, it’s true. This film is as good as anything I’ve recently seen. And I’ve seen it all - big budget and no budget.

Big thanks to Michael who's blog should be visited by all animation aficionados and lovers of drawing.