Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Art Swap

Over on Drawing Board someone had the great idea to do a holiday art swap.
Everyone entered their names and addresses and you were assigned someone you had to draw a picture for, and someone sent you one in return.
Here are the drawings I sent.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Freddy Christmas

Christmas greeting for the folks at Frederator.
(And look! It's in colour!!!).

Childhood Flashback

When I was a small boy there was a program on the tv called Shirl's Neighbourhood.
Having watched these clips it's obvious they were trying to recreate some of the knockabout fun of the Muppets, and I think they managed that very well.
Shirl was Shirley Strachen, an ex plumber who became a rock star in Australia with his 70s band Skyhooks.
After Shirl's Neighbourhood Shirl returned to plumbing, and presented DIY tips on a lifestyle program for several years until he died in a plane crash.
The show was a big influence on me.
The puppets were, like the Muppets, very cartoony which was very appealing to me as a kid.
I've been able to dig up a few clips on Youtube, and although it's mostly bloopers, there's always something entertaining about hearing puppets swear, especially puppets with strong Aussie accents.
Anyone who watches these clips will see the character of Claude the Crow, who was the neighbourhood grouch.
Claude had a remarkable segment on the show, where kids would send him in used bandaids, scabs and toenail clippings, which he collected.
Hard to imagine something like it today, but this was of course the early 80s, a time in Australian television where things were very casual and very entertaining.
Shirl's Neighbourhood ran a remarkable 900 episodes from 1978 to 1983.
Also of interest is that the characters were designed and performed by well known artist Ron Mueck.
If you don't recognise his name, you'll recognise THIS character, who Jim Henson hired him to perform.

Suicide For Christmas

Last Saturday night we went and saw Tiger Lillies perform again.
I went twice earlier this year.
The show was called "Suicide For Christmas" and they played a much livelier show than they did when I saw them in August.
There was a great bit of silliness when Adrian Huge was encouraged to commit suicide by downing pills, which he attempted to do.
He ended up playing the drums by spitting the large pills out onto his drum kit which was a crowd favorite.
Here are some clips from their performances in other bits of the world.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Nip Slip

This looks surprisingly like a nasty old sow I used to work with...

Holding Hands

What the fuck is this about????


This is one I perhaps should not have remembered...


I found a bunch of stuff I'd forgotten to post.
So here is some of it.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Bob's First Blowie

I think Bob and the blower are two different species...

Friday, December 07, 2007


That Brian Sibley bloke's been talking about me again...

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Things I'd Never Buy

I'd ever buy this DVD compilation.
It's a collection of highlights from the sport they play where I'm from - Australian Rules Football.
Most folks from the rest of the world seem to think it's rugby, but it isn't.
Rugby players are all squat and built like concrete buddahs.
AFL players are very long.
Despite not being interested in the DVD, I can't deny that it's a remarkably physical game as can been seen in this clip.
Australian's think American football is for girls.
AFL is, I think the only sport in the world where you can cop a knee to the back of the head while standing up (thank you Smook for that).


I've done quite a bit of traveling over the last year and a half.
Even though I've been in countries where nobody spoke English and I couldn't get anything to drink other than a "Ploop", I've never really felt like I was in a completely foreign place.
The only real time I've felt far from home is when it's snowed.
Which it's started doing here recently.

Workin' For The Man

As mentioned, I've been busy animating for Limbolo.
I can't really show what I've been working on (animating characters Neil designed) but here is a clip I am sure I can show you.

Three Idiots

Well I've not updated my blog in some time.
I've been working very hard for Herr Ross over at Limbolo and have barely had time to scratch my arse (I've been busy scratching his).
So I don't really have much artwork to post, but here are some things anyway.
A few weeks back three professional idiots got together for Moroccan food.
We were accompanied by our handlers.